Re: A89: Run Down on some Things


Re: A89: Run Down on some Things

It seems to me that everyone is side-stepping the question that most
interests me.  How can a BMP be converted to an ASM program for display.
Preferably, instructions for 7-grays images would be appreciated but is
2-color is also acceptable.  Thanx in advance.

At 01:29 AM 12/7/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Jimmy Mårdell wrote:
>> Actually, it should have been "var: dc.w 10" which would define
>> a word with value 10 (equal to "var: .dw 10" in TASM). The row
>> about ("ds.w 10") actually defines 10 words, set to 0:
>Is it really defining 10 words _set_to_0_?
>Isnt it just defining a space, 10 words long..  and what's inside it, is
>undefined... could be anything stored in the same memoryarea before? (like
>last program you ran)

 % Michael R. Newman %
 %                         ICQ #: 2114458 %

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