Re: A89: operation size?
Re: A89: operation size?
In a message dated 12/3/98 5:44:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> when you afterincrement something, the operation size or something is then
> added to a0 after the instruction is completed
> ie: move (a0)+,d0
> In this case 4 would be added to a0 afterwards...I know this because I read
> it...BUT how do I know what the insruction size is...Why is it 4
Actually the move command should be move.l . lf you had pushed a word into
the stack pointer at that place then when you popped it back into d0 then it
would be move.b (a0)+,d0 and that would increment the a0 register by 2.
moving a byte increases by 1, a word by 2, and a longword by 4.
> Also what is unsigned/signed integers? You used different branch
> instructions
> depending on what kind of integer, right? Or something like that...I'm
> typing off the top of my head rightn now...THANKS
signed means that if 00001011 has a zero as the first bit (which it does
there) then it is a negative number. However, if you said that 00001011 was
unsigned, then it doesn't matter whether the left-most bit is 0 or 1 because
it's going to be counted as positive anyway. l think.