Re: A89: Starting out assembly, need help
Re: A89: Starting out assembly, need help
In a message dated 12/2/98 10:44:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> >> macros
> >
> >Does an assembly have to have macros to do certain things?
> No, it's just like a function but instead of branching the function is
> pasted in place. Your program will be bigger but will run faster. Because
> of the early pipelining on the m68k, you waste 4 instructions when you
> branch. If you have a function that you use a lot and you don't care about
> size, using macros can really speed up execution.
oh okay, l was looking at source code last night and l found out what macros
are, and how to use them.
How do programmers know what registers to load parameters in (for lib
fuctions) if most of the .h files don't say what registers are used?