A89: Displaying sprites, help me and SimTown will be asm
A89: Displaying sprites, help me and SimTown will be asm
l'm sure this question has plagued the assembly lists for some time, but how
do l display a sprite? what routine or library call do l use to display one
at an x and y coord?
Also, can someone PLEASE direct me towards what parameters are needed for all
the library functions. the .htm files do next to nothing. Besides, why does
LineLib need to have something in a0?
When making games (like Zelda) do asm programmers use arrays to place the
sprites onto the screen at given locations?
The following is an excerpt from J.Mardell's guide:
lea table(PC),a0 ; Let A0 point at the table
mulu #100,d1 ; One row is 100 bytes (50 words). We must use
; MULU to get the right offset. If each row was
; 128 bytes, we could have shifted instead (faster).
adda d1,a0 ; Add the rowoffset to the pointer
lsl.w #1,d2 ; Multiplicate the column with 2 (same reason as above)
move.w d0,0(a0,d2) ; And store the word
is this still the way of storing data to a specific part of a table?
Thank you!