Re: A89: Starting out assembly, need help


Re: A89: Starting out assembly, need help

In a message dated 11/30/1998 4:12:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> if it moves #10 into the new a0 AFTER it decrements a0, what's the point of
>  decrementing it in the first place?

You only do this if you want to save whatever a0 pointed to before.
Presumably, you are going to eventually use that value again.  This is like
the stack, which, by the way, is probably the most common use of the
predecrement and postincrement operators.

Ram Addresss: 1500    50
                       1502    75

a7 = 1502

move.w 150, -(a7)

Ram Address: 1500   150
                      1502    75

a7 = 1500

I hope this helps.

Daniel Imfeld