Re: A89: Quick Redraw?
Re: A89: Quick Redraw?
>In my newly released CraPong game, my current setup is that I'm clearing the
>screen with every cycle. This is extremely stupid and I admit it, but I can't
>find a reasonable way around it.
>One way I tried to fix it was by having two sets of vars for the ballx and
>bally. The first set was the real ball and the second was the coordinates in
>the previous cycle. Then I drew the ball at the real coordinates and erased
>it at the other. For the paddles, I drew/erased a line at each end of the
>paddle according to what direction the paddle was moving. Thus if you move up
>one pixel, I draw one line at the top and erase the line at the bottom. The
>only problem this way was that It created uneven slowdown, and the improvement
>of screen flickering was nonexistent.
>Does anyone have any suggestions?
If the ball and paddles only move one pixel at a time, you could use
sprites that are slightly larger then ball and padel.
0100010 7x7 ball sprite. The whitespace on the edges will
0100010 erase the previous ball in one cycle.