A89: [Fwd: Re: TI-89 support]


A89: [Fwd: Re: TI-89 support]

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To: goflo@pacbell.net
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Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:52:08 -0500
Subject: Re: TI-89 support
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Thank you for your recent e-mail. The windows beta version for the TI-89
Graph Link will be available in September and will be posted at the
following web site.

When we have information available on assemble language programming it will
also be posted. I do not have a specific date that this will be available.
I would suggest you check the Ti-89 web site periodically for updates.

If you have any further questions or comments please feel free to contact
us at your convenience. Please copy this message in your response and send
directly to ti-cares@ti.com for faster service on replies.


Yvonne Zeilan

Educational & Productivity Solutions
Customer Support Center                E-mail: ti-cares@ti.com
Texas Instruments
PO Box 650311 M/S 3962
Dallas, TX  75265                      (972)917-8324 (Technical Help)
                                       (800) 842-2737 (General Info)
========================= ORIGINAL MESSAGE ==========================

[ goflo @ pacbell.net on 08/27/98 7:20:48 PM ]

Name:  gardner
Email:  goflo@pacbell.net
When will graph-link software be available
for the TI-89?
When will assembly language programming
information be available?

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