[A86] Re: Using hex values in strings?
[A86] Re: Using hex values in strings?
> Huh? The format string is always going to be the same: "%s". I'll assume
> you want to actually want to print the base-10 exponent E symbol and are
> having trouble.
> using zcc +ti86 -v -startup=10
> char c = '\x1b';
> putchar (c);
> works for me, as does
> const char *s = "1.2\x1b5";
> puts (s);
> as does
> const char *s = "1.2\x1b5";
> printf ("%s",s);
> The output for the last two is "1.2E5". Not quite sure what you were
> doing.
I was writing a test input routine to get a feel for using the z88dk. Using
the format string "%s" would dump some given amount of memory, since 0x1B
doesn't have a null terminator attached. Using "%c" fixed the problem.
Using the above method of embedding the character in the string would have
worked, had I known it. On x86 systems, you don't normall have to enter
characters as hex. ;)
> >> I'm using the z88dk cross-compiler to develop an ASM program, being
> >> reasonably proficient at C and only enough to understand what is
> ^^^ hmm.
> Then again, we could give you your first lesson in asm just to show how
> easy it is.
> #include "ti86asm.inc" ; ROM, RAM, character and key equates
> .org _asm_exec_ram
> ld hl,str
> call _puts
> ret
> str: .db "1.2",Lexponent,"5",0
> .end
> (again, output is "1.2E5").
I don't particularly want to write out four or five lines of assembly for
each line of C code (normally). Besides, if I see any major memory waste
going on (printf for example, at ~1K) I'll rewrite the appropriate function
in assembly and use it instead.