[A86] Re: Rom versions & key port
[A86] Re: Rom versions & key port
Leif Åstrand writes:
> _vputs ($3ae8 with rom version 1.6)
> _getkey ($3e4e)
Do not depend on them being the same across ROM pages.
> _cphlde ($0107)
If this routine is speed critical to your program, then include it locally:
push hl
or a
sbc hl,de
pop hl
There is a faster version, but it destroys the A register:
ld a,h
cp d
ret nz
ld a,l
cp e
> When leaving a program reading keypresses with ports the last pressed
> key is also detected by the shell, can anything be done to avoid
> this?
The easiest solution is to not exit until the key is released.
David Phillips <david@acz.org>