[A86] Re: Variables


[A86] Re: Variables

Allright, I'll reply to the last part of the question:

visaei@jippii.fi wrote:
>whats the different between different
>program variables(basic,asm,tokenized...)?

The first two bytes in a program varibale is the program's lenght in bytes. The 
next byte or bytes are telling what kind of program the variable contains.

If it's a compiled assembly program it's 8e followed by 28 ($288e in the 
assembler, since the bytes are "swapped").
An uncompilied untokeized (ie unrun) assembly progam is recognized by a zero, 
and then then the word "AsmPrgm". When the program has been run once 
(tokenized) you instead find 8e and 27 ($278e).

Untokenized basic programs also begin with a zero, but the next characters 
aren't forming the word "AsmPrgm". If there's none of theese identifiers, then 
it's a tokenized assembly program.
