[A86] Re: TI-86 Menu Routine
[A86] Re: TI-86 Menu Routine
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002 13:06:03 -0500 "David Phillips" <david@acz.org>
> rabidcow@juno.com writes:
> > You should look for a copy of "asm86.inc", which has all the rom
> calls
> > defined. Should be on ticalc, I'd think.
> This should be the latest version of Clem's include files. Perhaps
> you
> should start your own version, as you no doubt have a lot of stuff
> that
> could be added :)
> http://jonah.ticalc.org/include.zip
Does this have the original asm86.inc, or the shortened version with
comments? I seem to remember getting an include file from ACZ that had
comments by each rom call, but it was missing many of them. (mostly ones
nobody understood at the time) There is a version with *every* rom call
but no comments.
I actually have an include file started for menus, contexts, and I
suppose general ASAP stuff. Other things I didn't see much point, since
I already have all of TI's names for the actual calls. (and with
RAM86.inc, that covers a lot of ground.)
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