[A86] Re: Hey All, Some beginner Question :)
[A86] Re: Hey All, Some beginner Question :)
Ok, I know that is not a beginner question but this is an interesting question,
So .. I need to use the home screen hook so this will be [sqrt]Home..
It is called when the input buffer is modified(If it work like in the 83+ .. this will be simple to port my rpn parser ) ... But I can't make it work because TASM dos'nt like 2 .org in one file.. can somone help me with that detail, I can't make homestck( an prog that use home screen hook ) compile right.. I don't use asm studio because I'm in linux.. So How to compile a prog with 2 .org to make it work Correctly .. ??
Thx all
Xavier LaRue
On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 12:39:57 -0700
rabidcow@juno.com wrote:
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 19:58:17 -0700 (PDT) Patrick Davidson
> <pad@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> writes:
> > A more advanced method would be to use double buffering, where you
> > alternate between two buffers to draw in, and switch which one is
> > shown
> > after you finish drawing one. The 86ports.txt file also tells which
> > port
> > to use for this. Note that it probably is a good idea to
> > synchronize this
> > with the screen refresh.
> Just to be picky, working somewhere else and copying it to the screen
> *is* double-buffering.
> But to make what you're saying a little more clear, it is possible on the
> 86 to tell the display to read out of a different section of memory. So
> you can set up two display pages and write to one while the hardware
> reads from the other.
> > > 3) This is probably my hardest question.. So here it go: I made a
> > rpn
> > > parser application for the 83+ but I want to port it to 86.. So my
> > > question is how hook work on 86 and how the parser work??
> This is not a beginner question. :)
> There are three different kinds of hooks, and several of each type. If
> the corresponding hooks exist on the 83/83+ then the documentation will
> be mostly accurate for the 86. Most addresses will be 3 bytes instead of
> two (usually hl becomes ahl, de->bde), and some will be in different
> registers.
> There's the "alt" hooks, for on, off, silent link, and interrupt, which
> are placed in a small fixed area and are not copied to _asm_exec_ram to
> be executed. (These probably aren't useful in this case.) There's the
> ASAP hooks, which let you add commands and some menus, and might work for
> what you're doing, but not if you want to use +,-,*, etc. (These are
> what TI's financial and stat add-ins use.)
> Then there's the [sqrt] hooks:
> [sqrt]Key - called before and/or after retrieving a keystroke
> [sqrt]Parse - called in _PARSEON/INP/OFF before it begins parsing
> [sqrt]Exec
> [sqrt]Expr - to display the equation number when tracing a graph
> [sqrt]Form - to format an answer to be displayed
> [sqrt]Home - called, I believe, upon return to the home screen
> [sqrt]CmdTok
> [sqrt]Grf
> The ones you'll want are probably Parse, Exec, and maybe CmdTok, but I
> don't know of anyone using those before. If you can find documentation
> for another calc, work off of that, otherwise it'll almost certainly take
> disassembly (or maybe emailing TI and asking?) to figure out how to work
> these.
> -josh
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