[A86] Re: Hey All, Some beginner Question :)
[A86] Re: Hey All, Some beginner Question :)
>3) This is probably my hardest question.. So here it go: I made a rpn parser
>application for the 83+ but I want to port it to 86.. So my question is how
>hook work on 86 and how the parser work??
Sqrtkey prog (parser) Installer:
http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~assets/ti86.htm and
Ricky Cobb
icq 41440378
msn arcadesdude
y! arcadesdude
aim arcadesdude
5/31/02 10:09:11 PM, Xavier LaRue <paxl@videotron.ca> wrote:
>Hey all,
>I was working on an matrix code emulator for the 82/83/83+ and I realise that I
never program for my 86.. So I try to port it.. and it work correcly but I have
some question:
>1) Can you tell me how to stop the screen refresh.. because when I update the
screen.. It flicker.. Because my refresh routine is too slow so how to stop the
refresh of the screen ?
>2) Can somone tell me what are the saferam in the ti-86 .. I know well the 83+
but I seem can't find any equate for the 86??
>3) This is probably my hardest question.. So here it go: I made a rpn parser
application for the 83+ but I want to port it to 86.. So my question is how hook
work on 86 and how the parser work??
>Thank you all,
>Xavier LaRue