[A86] Random #'s on ROM 1.3
[A86] Random #'s on ROM 1.3
Has anyone noticed that this random # generator will not work on ROM version
1.3, I know It works on 1.6, and probably others.
#include ti86asm.inc
.org $D748
xor a ;lower value (0)
call _SetXXOP1 ;OP1=0
ld a,$A ;upper value
call _SetXXOP2 ;OP2=10
call _randint ;OP1=random number between 0 and 9
call _convOP1 ;a=OP1 (random number)
add a,'0' ;convert to ascii format
call _putc ;display character stored in a
ret ;return from routine
Josh Gentry
"Real programmers code in pen during math class."