[A86] Re: What's wrong w/ this?
[A86] Re: What's wrong w/ this?
On Monday, January 21, 2002, Houhou333 wrote:
> I am writing my 1st PutSprite routine. It works, sortof. Just look at it. It
> is supposed to draw an 8x8 sprite, one byte at a time.
> ;B,C=X,Y
> ps_normal:
> call _findpixel
> ld b,0 ; I know I could use simulated...but...
> ld c,a
> add hl,bc
Not sure I recognize what you're doing here... don't most findpixels
output a mask in A and a pointer in HL? Why would you add them?
(I'm assuming you're using an existing findpixel if this is your
first sprite routine)
> ld b,8
> ps_draw:
> ld a,(ix)
> xor (hl)
> ld (hl),a
> ps_shift:
> ld a,16
> ld d,0 ; I know I could use simulated...but...
> ld e,a
> add hl,de
> inc (ix)
Probably this should be "inc ix" instead?
> djnz ps_draw
> ret
Hail Ants!