[A86] Re: Hybid ASM/BASIC Prog questions..


[A86] Re: Hybid ASM/BASIC Prog questions..

On Thu, 10 Jan 2002 16:24:07 +0100 "Henk Poley" <HPoley@DDS.nl> writes:
> LOL, they don't have names on either of the "smaller-Ti's"... So 
> that won't
> help. I found them more or less myself (but probably others have 
> done it
> before).
> However if you call a BASIC program from within a BASIC program, and 
> from
> that one an assembly program you can find the name on the FP stack 
> and the
> position (relative) as the 3rd word pushed on the Operator-stack, 
> when you
> work with the Ti83(+)

If it was on the stack, it should still be on the stack, look for it. 
The offset from the top of the stack should be fairly close.
If it's a fixed address, what's the address?  I wrote a program a while
back to look for similarly used addresses and it might be in the list.

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