[A86] Breaking 8k asm limit
[A86] Breaking 8k asm limit
Please don't laugh at me if what i'm about to write is useless or that i
could have found it out easily on the web without thinking about it
For asm programs, there is an 8k limit:
1. make a program and turn it into a string
2. make another program which will search the vat for the string program
3. locate its address (Adding an integer that i'm too lazy to look up)
4. jp to it
That way, the program doesn't need to be copied. in addition, you get an
8kb space (minus the space which loaded the loader program in case the shell
uses writeback)
I'm no good at all trying to manipulate the vat, i'll be glad if someone
could write it or tell me that this is a useless post...
Yi Lang
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