[A86] Re: A86: TI-0S Link Routines
[A86] Re: A86: TI-0S Link Routines
Thanks for the answers concering the OS link routines,
It seems the OS wants to make things difficult for us =)
I'll stick with the easier ztetris linkroutines.
I got the ztetris link routines working and optimized/generalized (doesnt use op1, saves hl, good timeout
value) and added an example.
Here is the updated link routines (commented) if anyone wants them.
; Originally by Pascal Bouron and Jimmy Mardell
; and [Assembly Coder's Zenith] www.acz.org
; updated by Ricky Cobb arcadesdude@operamail.com
;linkget = ReceiveByte
;linksend = SendByte
;To see how to use this uncomment these two lines
;#define EXAMPLE
;#include "ti86asm.inc"
;and then compile it, it shows how to send a byte and recieve a byte
;over the link port and give each calc a unique id for futher linkplay
;run the example from inside of a shell (otherwise the ti-os silent link
;will send data and the recieving calc will mistake this for the byte sent)
;(or you can run them from the home screen at nearly the same time)
;linkget is for one way data
;linkgetwait is for two way data (server/client model)
;|--------------------|BEGIN EXAMPLE|---------------------------|
#ifdef EXAMPLE
.org _asm_exec_ram
call _clrLCD
call _flushallmenus
call _homeup
call linkget
; or a ;if a==0:no byte recived. (or a is done in routine)
jr nz,showit ;otherwise show it
call _homeup
ld hl,sendbytetxt
call _puts
call _homeup
ld a,1 ;1 is the byte to send
call linksend
inc a ;if 0 then p1, if 1 then p2
ld (player),a ;store it
call _homeup
ld hl,youareplayertxt
call _puts
ld a,(player)
ld l,a
xor a
ld h,a
ld bc,$1600
call _dispAHL
jp pause ;ends here
; ret
call _clrLCD
call _homeup
ld hl,canceltxt
call _puts
jp pause ;ends here
; ret
call _get_key
jr nz,pause
.db 0
.text "Sending Byte"
.text "canceled"
.text "You are player"
;|--------------------|END EXAMPLE|---------------------------|
;This routine here is for sending the same info
;both ways to both calcs (the example above shows how to send data
;just one way). Define it if you want to use it.
#define uselinkgetwait ;stays in routine until byte got
#ifdef uselinkgetwait
;this routine is called
; ld a,%00111111 ;checks keyport if exit is pressed
; out (1),a
; in a,(1)
; bit 6,a
push hl
call _get_key
pop hl
jp z,exitlinkgetwait
call linkget
jr z,linkgetwait
pop de ; pop linkgetwait call
jp cancelsend
push hl ;save hl
ld hl,16383 ;timeout value you may change this if you want (you could also
;use the d register here for a smaller timeout)
ld e,1 ;e is for the or'ing below
ld c,0 ; byte that will be received
ld b,8 ; 8 bits = 1 byte counter
ld a,$C0 ;both wires active
out (7),a ;send to port
call checktimeoutget ;check timeout
in a,(7) ;read from port
and 3 ;mask off the rest of a reg
cp 3 ;if its 3 then both wires are still active
;(meaning no response from other calc yet)
jr z,checkresponse ;if not 3 then other calc says 'ready'
cp 2 ;if the send routine on other calc says bit 1 of a (a=2 now)
;is sent then it is a zero that will be sent
;(white is active, red is not, so go turn red wire on)
jr z,getlinkzero ;if so go get the zero
ld a,c
or e ;this makes the bit of the current bit ((8-bitcounter)+1)
;and turns on that bit and
ld c,a ;stores it back to a
ld a,$D4 ;turn on white wire
out (7),a ;send to linkport
jr sendgotbit
ld a,$E8 ;red wire on (red = 0, white = 1)
out (7),a ;send to port
call checktimeoutget
in a,(7) ;check to see if both wires not active
;(sending calc said i got your response that you got that bit)
and 3
jr z,sendgotbit
ld a,$C0 ;both wires on
out (7),a
rl e ;next bit to do
djnz checkresponse
ld a,c ;byte recived.
or a ;do the comparision
pop hl ;get saved hl
ret ;return back with recieved byte
dec hl ;hl-1 ->hl
ld a,l ;if hl=0
or h ;
ret nz ;return if hl!=0 (it starts at 16383)
pop hl ;get saved hl
pop de ;trash last stack address so youll
;return to the lable that called linkget
xor a ;say no byte reciecved
ret ;return back (timeout occured)
linksend: ;SENDS A BYTE
ld b,8 ;bit counter
ld c,a ;byte to send
ld a,$C0 ;both wires active
out (7),a ;send to port
call checksendcanceled
in a,(7) ;read from port
and 3 ;mask off all but the first two (bit 0,and 1) of a
cp 3 ;if 3 then other calc has both wires active
;(other calc is ready)
jr nz,checkreceivecalc ;other calc is ready if both wires active
;reloop untill other calc is ready or you press exit
ld a,c ;byte to send into a
and 1 ;only the first bit of it counts (its checked like this):
;a reg = % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
;bit number 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
;and'ing by 1 gets rid of all but --------^----- that bit there
jr z,linksendone ;if so send bit == 1
ld a,$E8 ;red wire on
out (7),A ;send to port
jr checkifbitgot
ld a,$D4 ;white wire on (on and active are same thing)
out (7),A ;send it to linkport
call checksendcanceled
in a,(7) ;read from port
and 3 ; if its anything other than 3 that means
;other calc (recieveing end) got the bit
jr nz,checkifbitgot ;reloop until bit got
ld a,$C0 ;both wires active
out (7),A ;send to port
srl c ;next bit of c to be checked (shifts it all one to right)
djnz checkreceivecalc
xor a ;a=0 byte=sent
ret ;go back to where linksend was called
; ld a,%00111111 ;checks keyport if exit is pressed
; out (1),a
; in a,(1)
; bit 6,a
push hl
call _get_key
pop hl
ret nz
pop de ;trash checksendcanceled call
pop de ;trash linksend call
jp cancelsend ;do this in your code -> cancelsend = somelableyouwanttojumptoifcanceled
;or change jp cancelsend to ret if you want the program to quit
Ricky Cobb
icq 41440378
msn arcadesdude
y! arcadesdude
aim arcadesdude