[A86] Re: Trying to keep the list (sort of) alive...


[A86] Re: Trying to keep the list (sort of) alive...

On Sun, 8 Dec 2002 17:19:53 -0500 Ricky Cobb <arcadesdude@intercom.net>
> rabidcow@juno.com> there must be some sort of check for that.  (I 
> think it's the check if port $06 is zero)
> What about the off checksum?

Ah, I forgot about that.  Looks like it checks port 6 for zero, if it is,
it checks that checksum, and if that doesn't match it calls _initialize
to reset the calc:

(on key has been pressed -> 0bfc, rom ver 1.2)
0bfc  db06      in      a,(#06)         ;ram bank page
0bfe  b7        or      a
0bff  caed0c    jp      z,#0ced

0ced  3e56      ld      a,#56           ;power??
0cef  d304      out     (#04),a
0cf1  3e41      ld      a,#41           ;ram page 1
0cf3  d306      out     (#06),a
0cf5  97        sub     a
0cf6  d303      out     (#03),a
0cf8  fd21e5c3  ld      iy,#c3e5
0cfc  2ad8c1    ld      hl,(#c1d8)      ;_onCheckSum
0cff  115aa5    ld      de,#a55a
0d02  cd0701    call    #0107           ;cp hl,de
0d05  ca630d    jp      z,#0d63
0d08  3e0a      ld      a,#0a
0d0a  3208c0    ld      (#c008),a
0d0d  cdfb0d    call    #0dfb           ;checksum ram page 2
0d10  ed5bd8c1  ld      de,(#c1d8)      ;_onCheckSum
0d14  cd0701    call    #0107           ;cp hl,de
0d17  200a      jr      nz,#0d23        ;_initialize
0d19  cd1e0e    call    #0e1e
0d1c  fdcb08a6  res     4,(iy+#08)
0d20  c3720c    jp      #0c72

So it's both :)



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