[A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen


[A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen

It's all about the timing...
I'd suggest you try the following:
1) put the sprite at it's initial location
2) copy that part of video mem to another location (to preserve the 
backround image)
3) 'or' the sprite to it's location
4) run other code...
5) copy the preserved vid mem back
6) repeat steps 2-5
If you do it right, this way will work great.
But of course, it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish ;)


>From: "The Dos Man (Shawn)" <sells@inetnebr.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org
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>Subject: [A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen
>Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 09:06:14 -0700
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>In stead of clearing the screen each time then writing new sprites try
>writing the new sprite over the old sprite then erasing the old sprite, the
>code may be longer but the human brain will see a continus moving image
>insted of a flickering one.

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