[A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen


[A86] Re: The f'n 86 screen

Do you have a hlt instruction anywhere in the loop?  If not, try putting
one in just before you clear the screen.  (and if that helps, either keep
it or write to a buffer instead of the screen)


On Sun, 30 Sep 2001 00:24:02 EDT Notbynow@aol.com writes:
>        To answer a few of yall's questions, no, I'm not using anyone 
> else's 
> routines, all routines are completely made by me.  I am writing 
> directly to 
> the video ram, and I erase the sprites with the code:
>     ld hl,$fc00
>     ld (hl),l
>     ld de,$fc01
>     ld bc,1023
>     ldir
>     ret
> The sprites are on-screen for the majority of the time: I draw the 
> sprites, 
> modify all the code I need to, then erase the screen and immediately 
> draw the 
> new sprites.  It probably is my code that is messed up, but I find 
> it hard to 
> beleive that a sprite can develop a light spot in the middle of it 
> where it 
> should be black.  Anyway, thank you people for helping.  If you want 
> the 
> entire source code, I can give it to you,  it's only like 760 bytes.
> Marc McG
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