[A86] Re: TCP/IP stack


[A86] Re: TCP/IP stack

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 20:08:48 +0000 "David West" <bdaddy_mit@hotmail.com>
> >If programs are interpreted/emulated then they're just like basic
> >programs and there's no problem.
> What do you mean by this last statement?  (Sorry for being slow, I'm 
> from 
> the south[USA])

I mean, if you did this:
On Sun, 23 Sep 2001 03:56:10 +0000 "David West" <bdaddy_mit@hotmail.com>
> The best solution I have come up with for this so far is to build a 
> small/light (and hopefully fast) byte-code interpreter to act as a 
> virtual 
> CPU that would allow for virtual memory.  The the new OS could be 
> targeted 
> for this virtual CPU.  (www.cybiko.com has supposedy done this for 
> their 
> portable wireless computer.  See their development section and read 
> about 
> the OS specs and software specs.)  The only problem with this is, 
> what if 
> you build it and find out it is unacceptly slow.  That would be a 
> bummer.
then it wouldn't matter if part of the program was outside of the
physical address space.

> But the whole relocatable code issue is a thorn in the side for this 
> scheme. 
>   Does anyone have any comments about personal experience writing 
> and using 
> relocatable code for the TI-86 (debugging, code generation 
> strategies, or 
> other issues).  I don't have any practical experience with it.  I've 
> seen 
> documentation that some C compilers will generate such code.

Look at how the various TI-85 shells dealt with it for a start.
