[A86] Re: SDCC v2.3.0 (fib.c)
[A86] Re: SDCC v2.3.0 (fib.c)
[I don't mean to flame anybody with this mail]
> Van: David Phillips <david@acz.org>
> I think that's a poor example. It uses printf[..]
Did you want an example or did you want politicaly correct code?
> You were saying that SDCC generates good code? I'm sorry, but that code
> looks terrible to me. Why is it passing values on the stack when it
> could be passing them using registers? Especially when it's a single
> value? And it's creating a stack frame when it's not needed.
Reported that (already) to Micheal Hope, he manages the (GB)Z80 port. And
could you please look for yourself at it, as it seems that you know so well
what we need to test (no flames meant).
Oh, and ever looked at other Z80 C compilers, compared to that, this code
is quite comfy.
If you find some 'obscurity' in SDCC I'd like to compile the same code for
the z88dk (or maybe even with the 'beloved' TISCO), to compare with.
To begin with:
-----fib.c compiled with the z88dk-------
dec sp
pop hl
ld l,#(1 % 256)
push hl
ld h,0
ld hl,0 ;const
add hl,sp
ld e,(hl)
ld d,0
ld hl,10 ;const
call l_ult
jp nc,i_4
jp i_6
ld hl,0 ;const
add hl,sp
inc (hl)
ld l,(hl)
ld h,0
dec l
jp i_5
ld hl,i_1+0
push hl
ld hl,2 ;const
add hl,sp
ld l,(hl)
ld h,0
push hl
ld hl,4 ;const
add hl,sp
ld l,(hl)
ld h,0
push hl
call _fib
pop bc
push hl
ld a,3
call printf
pop bc
pop bc
pop bc
jp i_3
inc sp
pop bc
pop de
push de
push bc
ld hl,2 ;const
call l_ule
jp nc,i_7
ld hl,1 ;const
pop bc
pop hl
push hl
push bc
dec hl
push hl
call _fib
pop bc
push hl
ld hl,4 ;const
add hl,sp
call l_gint ;
dec hl
dec hl
push hl
call _fib
pop bc
pop de
add hl,de
defm "fib(%d) = %d"&13&""&0
-----Folowing code is from the lib------
; DE < HL [unsigned]
call l_ucmp
ret c
dec hl
; DE <= HL [unsigned]
call l_ucmp
ret c
ret z
ccf ;set nc, i.e. false
dec hl
ld a,d
cp h
jr nz,l_ucmp1
ld a,e
cp l
ld hl,1 ;preset true
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
> > At the moment I've got a fibonacci calculator, it works on the z88dk,
> > haven't/couldn't/whatever test it for SDCC.
fib.c was the first c-file (I recently used with the z88dk) that compiled
right (please, don't understand me wrong)...
Henk Poley <><