[A86] Re: Fw: Fwd:Fw: Chinese fiasco


[A86] Re: Fw: Fwd:Fw: Chinese fiasco

You'd think that, but then why would China want to do business with us?

Money flows two ways between any two countries, out of the US (say), and
into the US.  If more money flows from the US to Chine than the other
way, then China is making money.  If more money flows to the US from
China, then the US is making money.  They *can't* both make money out of
the deal.

Foreign policy in america means "elected officials can make money by..."
Elected officials are controlled by interest groups, many interest groups
are controlled by foreign countries.

Most foreign countries try to put heavy restrictions on imports.  Once
money gets into their economy, they do everything they can to keep it

China wants to do business with us because we're suckers.

"Where will we find all that cheap labor?"  We won't.  Exporting jobs is
putting your neighbor out of work so you can pay less.  Same thing with
H1B visas.  It's just greed, one american screwing another.

It's even worse than that, in fact.  Now the coutries you use for cheap
labor have your money and your technology.  You're just a middle man. 
Middle men become extinct.


On Wed, 2 May 2001 16:50:12 -0400 "James Rubingh" <james@acz.org> writes:
> Ditto.
> If it was beneficial for Americans to not to business with China, we 
> would
> just cut them off and be done with it. But no, we're trying to 
> repair the
> situation, not because we as americans want to be all friendly with 
> China,
> but because it makes both countries lots of money and America is all 
> about
> the benjamins. Foreign policy in America basically means "can we 
> make money
> by doing XX with another country"
> ---
> James Rubingh
> http://www.coaxme.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Yin" <MichaelY@telocity.com>
> To: <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 4:18 PM
> Subject: [A86] Re: Fw: Fwd:Fw: Chinese fiasco
> >
> > um.. ok.. this whole thing is kinda off the subject.. but almost
> everything
> > that said made is china
> > will not only pinch american businesses, if boycotted, but 
> strangle..
> since
> > it's
> > the american business making the money off of selling the stuff 
> made in
> > china,
> > not the chinese, the americans just subcontract the factories, if 
> we
> boycott
> > the chinese goods, where
> > are the americans gonna get labor that's that cheap?
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