[A86] Re: Game Levels
[A86] Re: Game Levels
This is a routine I wrote some time ago. I don't know how it looks when
sent. The linebreaks may be off.
; Search for Strings routine
; by Andreas Finne <andreas@calc.org>
; date: 22 Jun 2000
; Size: 126 bytes
; Input:
; DE = word to search for (two bytes)
; HL = place were the table should be placed (Must be on RAM page 0)
; Output:
; - NumStrings = number of strings
; - A table containing ABS pointers to the start of data of every
; string. The addresses are stored in AHL format. To use the
; table, load A with the first value, H with the second
; and L with the third.
ld (Label),hl ;Uses selfmodifying code. This basically results in 'ld
ld a,d ;Load a with the first ID-byte
ld (FirstByte),a ;Change the cp 0 to cp ID-byte
ld a,e ;Same thing with second ID-byte
ld (SecondByte),a
xor a
ld (NumStrings),a ;No strings yet
ld ix,$0000 ;Point ix to a place were the addresses of the strings are
going to be stored
Label = $-2 ;This points to the $0000 in the previous line
call _ram_page_7 ;This will load RAM page #7 in the area between $8000 and
;RAM page 7 contains the VAT (variable allocation table, or something
like that)
;Here are the addresses of all the variables on the calc stored.
;It's written backwards so the first entry is at $BFFF.
ld hl,$BFFF ;We want to start searching at the beginning (top/bottom) of
the VAT.
ld bc,($D298) ;$D298 contains the address to the end (bottom/top) of the
inc bc
and a ;Clear the carry flag
sbc hl,bc ;Subtract the bottom from the top to check if we are done.
jr c,DoneSearching ;If carry, we are done searching.
push bc
add hl,bc ;Add bc to hl so we have the same value as before in hl
ld a,(hl) ;Load the ID byte for the first entry in the VAT.
cp $0C ;We are looking for strings. $0C is the ID byte for strings.
jr z,Found ;We found a string.
dec hl ;Skip ID byte.
dec hl ;Skip ABS address
dec hl ;
dec hl ;
dec hl ;Skip an unused byte (This is where shells store the folder
ld b,(hl) ;Load b with the length of the name.
inc b
dec hl ;Skip the name.
djnz SkipNameLoop ;After this hl points to the next ID byte.
pop bc ;Get the end of the VAT back
jr SearchMainLoop ;Goto beginning (almost).
Found: ;When we've come this far we have found a string. Now we're going
to check
;if it's one of our strings.
push hl ;First we save the values so we can continue to search where we
left off.
dec hl ;hl points to ID byte, dec it so it points to the LSB of the ABS
ld e,(hl) ;Load the LSB of the ABS address to e
dec hl ;hl now points to the middle byte in the address
ld d,(hl) ;Load it into d
dec hl ;hl points to MSB of the address
ld a,(hl) ;Load it into a
;Now we have the address in ade, but the rom routines use ahl so...
ex de,hl ;exchange de and hl. AHL = address to the string variable
call _ahl_plus_2_pg3 ;Skip the sign bytes of the string (ahl=ahl+2)
ld c,a ;Save a and hl since 'call _getb_ahl' destroys a and hl
push hl
call _getb_ahl ;ld a,(ahl) Gets byte at ahl into a
cp 0 ;Is it the first ID-byte?
FirstByte = $-1 ;This points to the 0 in the previous line
pop hl ;Get the AHL address back
ld a,c
jr nz,NotOurString ;If not, continue search
call _inc_ptr_ahl ;inc AHL
ld c,a
push hl ;Save
call _getb_ahl ;Get byte
cp 0 ;Is it the second ID-byte?
SecondByte = $-1 ;This points to the 0 in the previous line
ld a,c ;Restore
pop hl
jr nz,NotOurString ; If not - continue search
;Yes, we have found one of our strings. Now we save the address to the
call _inc_ptr_ahl ;inc AHL so it points to the first data instead of the
second ID-byte
ld (ix),a ;Store the address to the string
ld (ix+1),h
ld (ix+2),l
inc ix ;Make ix point to empty space.
inc ix
inc ix
ld a,(NumStrings) ;Update the number of strings
inc a
ld (NumStrings),a
call _ram_page_7 ;Load back RAM page 7
pop hl ;Get current search place back
jr SkipName ;Go back to skip the name of the current string
jp _ram_page_1 ;Change back to RAM page 1
.db 0
----Original Message Follows----
From: Rgdtad@aol.com
Reply-To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org
Subject: [A86] Game Levels
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2001 16:07:43 EDT
How do I search through the VAT for strings with a certain header?
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