Re: A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #1335
Re: A86: Re: Assembly-86 Digest V1 #1335
On 30 Jan 2001 20:55:04 -0700, Michael Perley wrote:
> Well, I don't have any experience in casios, but I can easily say that HPs are much better than TI's,
> or at least in my view.
I don't have any experience in HPs, but I can easily say that TIs are
better than Casios. :)
Casios are sloooooow except, as one of my friends continuously
demonstrates, when you enter "1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+" about 300 times, and the
tokenising delay on the TI kills the speed.
The colour display on any of the CFX- models is mostly a gimmick,
although it does let you see what's going on more easily with graphs.
Problem is, it makes LCD updates very slow, and the Casio engineers seem
to have mostly used it for their fancy icon menu - also a waste of time.
Documentation is nonexistant for programming purposes; the Programming
section in the manual briefly outlines some of the functions available
(eg program flow, loops etc), but leaves out the other 95% of the
calculator's functionality. I've used the CFX-9850G+ at secondary school
for 4 years now, and we're still finding new and useful little functions
that the manual ignores. The TI command reference is my God. :p
They also have very little RAM to play with - they range from 32kb to
64kb (for the 9970)..
The complete inability to run assembly programs isn't much good either.
There doesn't appear to be any way to hack your way in, as AFAIK there
are no places where code from RAM is directly executed.
On the plus side, however, they do have a recursion function that the
'86 lacks. Nothing you can't whip up in 5 minutes of BASIC coding,
To put it bluntly: If you were thinking of buying a Casio, don't.
Justin Wake
GlobalSoft Pty Ltd
Tel: (+61-8) 9244-4133
Fax: (+61-8) 9244-4177