Re: A86:Input equations


Re: A86:Input equations

(untested, otherwise you'd get code)

use function $0c of _exec_pg3 to input a string.  this will give you a
temporary string var with its name in op1.
do a findsym on that variable & change the variable type in the vat to
save the name of the temporary variable someplace

store the values you need to their respective variables using _stoother. 
load value to op1, push op1 (rst $18?), load the var name to op1, call

load the equation name back into op1, then call one of the parse
functions.  i don't know which one, maybe good ole _PLOTPARS 
your result _should_ be in op1 (i think...)

repeat as desired.  you might want to clear the temp vars when you're
done.  i don't remember the name of that function right now :)  check the
83+ docs.

(i assume people don't ask for basic code on the asm list...)


On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 18:17:46 EST writes:
> How can I get the user to input an equation and then have my program 
> go 
> through the eqn with multiple sets of var values and come up with a 
> result 
> for each set?  It would need to be like using multiple 'For' loops 
> in BASIC.  
> ex:
>  ;prompt the user for input
> a(b,c)=[cursor]
>  ;user inputs 3b^2+2b*c+c^2
> a(b,c)=3b^2+2b*c+c^2
>  ;now I want to be able to plug multiple values
>  ;in for each var (b and c) and get a for each set
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