[A86] Re: line draw sub
[A86] Re: line draw sub
> >> I need a quick way to draw lines at a angle from point to point, and I
> >cant
> >> quite figure out how to it.
> That seems more along the lines of: How do I draw from Pt A to Pt B?
> Yeah, you could use angles and all that nasty stuff, but it is more likely
that he could just use a simpler line draw routine from ACZ.org or something
along those lines.
Heh, what are you talking about. David is IN ACZ. Who do you think wrote
half the stuff there, other than me :-) David didn't even give any code for
a line drawing rountine. He showed how to precalculate the lookup table, and
code to sign extend the number. There are plenty of line-drawing algorithms
out there. I'm sure he is capable of finding one, and if not, then David
gave him the benefit of the doubt in assuming that he is not completely
ignorant in forming a somewhat logical english setence. A humble gesture, at