Re: A86: List problems
Re: A86: List problems
findsym (rst 10h) returns the 24 bit address in bde., _GETLTOOP1 wants it
in ade.
also, remember list elements are zero based.
what you want is this:
> ld hl, listname-1
> rst 20h
> rst 10h
ld a,b
> ld hl,2 ;extract element 2 (3rd element)
> call _GETLTOOP1
hmm, it seems my pervious information about _insertlist was wrong...
_insertlist: add elemtents to a list
_PINSDELPTR = start of list (use _SET_INSDELPTR)
a = list type (bit 0 set for complex, clear for real, other bits ignored)
bc = index where elements are insterted
hl = number of elements to insert
carry set: fill new elements with 1
carry clear: fill new elements with 0
on return, ahl->start of list
if you only want to insert one item, use _INCLSTSIZE, then copy the
element in with _PUTTOL:
; insert one element at the end (new element = 0)
ld hl,listname-1
rst 20h
rst 10h
ex de,hl ; _INCLSTSIZE wants list start in bhl
; a = list type from findsym
; at this point ahl->start of list
; _P_INSDELPTR -> start of list as well
; set new element's value
; get index to store element
dec de
push de
; get value to op1
ld hl,value
rst 20h
; get start of list to ade
ex de,hl
; element number to hl
pop hl
call _PUTTOL
for multiple items, use _insertlist, then copy with _mm_ldir or a loop
with _PUTTOL.
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 00:52:22 -0500 (EST) Jason Shirey
<> writes:
> I'm having difficulty with a few of the list routines.
> In particular, both GETLTOOP1 and the act of appending an element to
> a list are really throwing me a curve.
> To extract an element, I'm very clear on the protocol, I just can't
> seem to get it to work:
> Here's my code
> -----
> As for appending a list, I'm still a bit unsure of whether to use
> dimension-increasing-call then use _PUTTOL or to just use the
> insert-element-call and insert the element at hl=dimension(list)+1
> Does anyone have some sample code I could study to answer these
> questions?
> --JDS
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