Re: A86: Display OP1
Re: A86: Display OP1
there is code in the rom to print a fp number with vputs: (page $4)
(number has been loaded to op1)
call _formreal_indic
ld hl,_OP3
call _vputs
but there's no page $d call for that.
if this is what you want, just copy the code. (maybe without the _indic)
I don't beleive the rom ever prints any other kind of variable with that
font, so you'd have to write your own code for it.
$56d9 (_EQSELUNSEL???) should print "x=<value of x> y=<value of y>" at
the bottom of the screen, in case that's more useful to anyone.
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 23:11:09 -0800 "Kent Richardson" <>
> Does anyone know of a call similar to _DispOP1 that uses the
> variable
> character set that _vputs and _vputsn use?
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