[A86] Re: What about LISP?
[A86] Re: What about LISP?
>From: "Andreas Finne" <a_finne@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A86] Re: What about LISP?
>Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 13:49:56 +0200
>I've also thought a little about a scheme interpreter for the 86 during the
>last months. I've just started my studies at HUT (Helsinki University of
>Technology) and there we have scheme as the first programming language.
>We use SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programming) as a
>guide. In one of the last chapters they have an example of implementing a
>scheme interpreter with a register machine. When I read it, I thought that
>it might be a good place to start.
>The entire book is available online at: http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/
That cool. I had a simular experience when I took intro to Computer
Science. They taught SCHEME, with the same book, and at the end of the
simester showed us how to impliment SCHEME with a register machine. In fact
right before finals that year I started work on a scheme interpreter by
literally converting all the register machine code from class and the book
into Z80 TASM assembler. (My method was to make a bunch of MACRO's for all
the register machine functionalty they showed so that the actual coding
would be an almost match.) I got to the point where the "engine" was almost
done being converted when I realized that I would have to write a parser to
get the actual SCHEME "text" into the interpreter. They didn't show us how
to do that... So at the time I just dropped the project, cause I didn't
know anything about how to write a parser. But now I know more about
parsers and compilers in general and it is apparent to me that this sort of
system is very doable. Now I'm just trying convence myself that it would be
David E. West
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