[A86] Re: Next question for the rom expert


[A86] Re: Next question for the rom expert


There are two calls on page d, one at $57d5 (in rom v1.2) to pop op1 and
one at $5d8b to push _asapvar, but they're not in the jump table, so
there's no guarantee they'll be in the same place in different rom vers. 

The operator stack is rarely used to store _OPx registers. (which seems
odd considering the name, but oh well)  The only place seems to be as a
return address for calling asm programs from asm programs, but if you
want to mess with that, the "recommended" method (ie, what the rom would
do) would be something like:
  ld      bc,(_OP1)
  call    _PUSH2BOPER ; aka _push_bc_ops = $4783
  ld      bc,(_OP1+2)
  call    _PUSH2BOPER
  ld      bc,(_OP1+4)
  call    _PUSH2BOPER
  ld      bc,(_OP1+6)
  call    _PUSH2BOPER
  ld      bc,(_OP1+8)
  call    _PUSH2BOPER


On Thu, 30 Aug 2001 00:37:35 -0400 Aaron <acurti1@umbc.edu> writes:
> Are there rom calls to push/pop data from _OP1 (or at least in the
> same format) onto the operator stack?  (the one that builds down
> from $bfff on page 1).  It seems to me there ought to be, since this
> is how _exec_assembly operates...
> -- 
> Aaron was here.
> mailto:acurti1@umbc.edu
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