[A86] Re: Include Files


[A86] Re: Include Files

A recent copy of Clem's include files are included with Assembly Studio 8x.
I don't know if he has a more recent version, or where they would be.  I
asked him about it on ICQ, which he will hopefully respond to within the
next day (if he's not on this list).

_getky is the appropriate name.  You only need to include "ti86asm.inc" with
Clem's include files (formerly called the ACZ include files).  If you must
use the only TI-85 equates, such as GET_KEY, the include "old86.h".  The
contents of that file is shown below:

; ACZ include file: TI-85 equates
; Assembly Coder's Zenith - http://www.acz.org/
; version: January 30, 1999

MUL_HL     equ  4547h  ; _HtimesL
CP_HL_DE    equ  403Ch  ; _cphlde
LD_HL_MHL    equ  4010h  ; _ldhlind
GET_KEY    equ  4068h  ; _get_key
UNPACK_HL    equ  4044h  ; _divHLby10
D_HL_DECI    equ  4A33h  ; _dispAHL

CONTRAST   equ  0C008h  ; _contrast
TEXT_MEM   equ  0C0F9h  ; _textShadow
GRAPH_MEM   equ  0C9FAh  ; _plotSScreen
TEXT_MEM2   equ  0CFABh  ; _cmdShadow
VAT_END    equ  0D298h
VIDEO_MEM   equ  0FC00h


 This file is included for compatibility with asm source
 code that use old TI-85 equates, please don't use them
 anymore :)
(C)1999 ACZ - Assembly Coder's Zenith - http://www.acz.org/

> Where on earth do you guys(the people who wrote for example, vexed,
> arkanoid, etc.) get your include files because, try as I might I cannot
> a set of include files that do not have duplicate definitions and that
> provide everything most programs need.
> Also, which is the more appropriate name for $5371: _getky or GET_KEY?
