[A86] Re: Escape Time Algorithm
[A86] Re: Escape Time Algorithm
you're probly better off using binary rather than op registers, even for
numbers that require 2 or more bytes (boolean operations in bcd at least
sound hard/slow)
That said, here's the rom calls used by basic:
(there may be a faster alternative that doesn't use the fp stack)
"a and b":
load a to op1 here
rst $18 ; push op1 to fp stack
load b to op1 here
ld a,$40
ld (_ASAP_IND),a
;result in op1
for "or", use $30 instead of $40
for "xor", use $31
btw, every two input function available to basic is accessable through
this call, with different numbers stored to _ASAP_IND (see
http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/rabidcow/programming/ti86/index.html#i2 )
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001 11:52:33 EDT Appelkore@aol.com writes:
> That's incredible... makes sense, though. The pictures are almost
> the same --
> not quite, but that probably has to do with the low # of iterations
> I'm using.
> Anyone know the ROM calls for OP1 and OP2, OP1 or OP2, etc? I
> realize for
> this program, all the numbers I'll need will fit in 8-bit registers,
> but I'd
> like to know the fp boolean calls for programs involving larger
> numbers.
> -- Jonathan Marcus
> Appelkore@aol.com
> >ClDrw
> >60\->\M
> >For(A,1,M
> >For(B,1,M
> >If A and B:PxOn(B,A
> >End
> >End
> >
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