Re: A86: 86 Benchmarking


Re: A86: 86 Benchmarking

The speed of the processor is in fact a lot closer to 4.5 mhz due to the 
direct memory access used by the screen port.  Also, the speed of the 
processor varies with battery power.  Besides, the tokenized BASIC program I 
proposed is translated into the same short assembly code and executed over 
and over again, so you get the same net result with much less overhead.

In a message dated 10/20/00 12:46:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> I don't really think that will work. you need to know the exact number of 
> loops
>  in a second, and assembly is much more suited for that. Let's see... the
>  processor speed is what, 6 MHz? That's 6,000,000 cycles. so make a small 
> looping
>  program that just counts 6,000,000 cycles and stop it. store the number to 
> var.
>  switch on the turbo. run it again. store to another var, and comapre the 
> results,
>  multiply, and you've got the MHz increase.
>  Of course, I may be totally wrong, and making a fool of myself right now. 
> But
>  think is what I thought you meant.

Jonah Cohen