Re: A86: Linking without _getkey


Re: A86: Linking without _getkey

you could try putting a halt in the loop, if that doesn't work, trace it.
 see if it's ever calling _KEYSCNLNK.

(first part of _KEYSCNLNK on rom page 9, from rom ver 1.2.  your
addresses may vary)
484d  fdcb15b6  res     6,(iy+#15)      ;link routine
4851  2146c3    ld      hl,#c346        ;_IODATA
4854  77        ld      (hl),a
4855  010f00    ld      bc,#000f
4858  db07      in      a,(#07)         ; debounce (ignore connect /
485a  e603      and     #03             ; disconnect noise)
485c  be        cp      (hl)
485d  20e1      jr      nz,#4840        ; (-31)
485f  0b        dec     bc
4860  79        ld      a,c
4861  b0        or      b

if it get's to _KEYSCNLNK & it jumps at ($485d here), then it wasn't
getting the signal long enough.  i'd guess that vti was trying to send
the data too fast if this was the case.

i think adding a halt should make it work tho.  iirc, vti does some part
of link transfers only during a halt instruction.


On Mon, 9 Oct 2000 20:31:04 -0500 "Greg" <> writes:
> Now with that out of the way...
>     I can't get that code (josh) to work on vti (and have had 
> similar
> problems in the past) is there a way around that?
> In the past sometimes code that deals with linking would work on 
> ti-86's but not on vti.
> I haven't had a chance to try it on two real calcs yet...
> but this code should work?
> YES i know that it will go into a loop until something is sent
> that is deliberate for debugging purposes...
> LinkSub:
>    in a,($07)
>    and $03    ;is this a bitmask?
>    cp $03      ;type thing?
>    jr z,LinkSub
>    call _KEYSCNLNK
>    ret
> Thanks for all of your help
> p.s
>     I sent this email twice again (yea i know) but its been a COUPLE 
> OF
> DAYS so i think it is safe to assume the first didn't make it!
> Greg
> _________________________________
> All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that 
> the
> parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if 
> you can't
> get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do 
> not use a
> hammer.
> -- IBM maintenance manual, 1925
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