Re: A86: Linking without _getkey
Re: A86: Linking without _getkey
> boy, you were REALLY curious! but no matter how many times you repeat
> this, it's not gonna get any more clear, ok?!! :)
sorry but that was an accident; my email server went down and when it came
back up i could only read email but anything that was sent was delayed. So i
checked the list of bad email address at ticalc and mine was among them so i
resent the email again (not realizing that TI-math was the only one i had
been taken off of) then because of another issue (also with my mail server)
i resent it again only i
added the letter b at the end so i could see which email got here
anyway i was CURIOUS but mabey not as much as it would have first
Now with that out of the way...
I can't get that code (josh) to work on vti (and have had similar
problems in the past) is there a way around that?
In the past sometimes code that deals with linking would work on REAL
ti-86's but not on vti.
I haven't had a chance to try it on two real calcs yet...
but this code should work?
YES i know that it will go into a loop until something is sent
that is deliberate for debugging purposes...
in a,($07)
and $03 ;is this a bitmask?
cp $03 ;type thing?
jr z,LinkSub
Thanks for all of your help
I sent this email twice again (yea i know) but its been a COUPLE OF
DAYS so i think it is safe to assume the first didn't make it!
All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the
parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't
get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a
-- IBM maintenance manual, 1925
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