Re: A86: Assembly Studio 8x released
Re: A86: Assembly Studio 8x released
I sent this a few days ago, but it never actually got posted to the list
for some reason, probably because I sent it from a different address
than the one I'm subscribed with. So I'm reposting it:
On Fri, Nov 10, 2000 at 05:10:58PM -0800, wrote:
> i don't quite remember, but i think asm studio had an option to build
> &
> send to vti. i would love that.
> ... lots deleted ...
> -josh
You're probably thinking of the plugin I wrote a while back. It doesn't
technically send anything to VTI, it creates a state file on the fly
containing the new program, and then copies it over the default one in
VTI's directory. Pretty simple, actually. Of course, it has a few
limitations that affect large projects (doesn't support suplimentary
files, writeback, and probably a few others I forgot). And there's no
way to force VTI to reload state files, so it has to be reloaded
manually if it's running.
It's still available for download on the asmstudio page, for what it's
worth. I've pretty much stopped using my TI-86 and I primarily run
linux now, so I doubt I'll be improving it at all in the future.
If a few new hooks are added in the asmstudio plugin api to get
information about projects and supplimentary files and whatever, I'm
pretty sure most of the limitations can be overcome, and the VTI
reloading thing can be fixed by adding something (windows messages are
easiest) to VTI allow external programs to force it to reload a state.
If anyone wants to work on it, or if you're just curious, email me and
I'll send you the source and whatever else it needs.