Re: A86: Re: Greeting Messages
Re: A86: Re: Greeting Messages
Actually both _alt_on_exec and _alt_off_exec are called with page d swapped.
It's just in the interrupt routine that you have to worry about the pages.
(Dunno about slink...)
If you want some example source you can take a look at On86, which may
actually do what you want; it says "Property of _____" at calc start-up,
though it also asks for a password.
Also, it is not advisable to use David's code _exactly_ as he as written it,
seeing as how no shell will even list it :-) Stick a call _clrLCD in there
are the beginning or something.
In a message dated 11/11/00 5:20:57 AM Eastern Standard Time,
You copy the code that you want to run to _alt_on_exec, similiar to
_alt_interrupt_exec. Then you set the correct checksum and enable the flag.
After that, it will run everytime the calc is turned on. I just wrote this
from memory, so I guessed on a couple of things. I would guess that ROM
page D cannot be assumed to be loaded, so the handler swaps it in before
making ROM calls. Second, I am assuming that it is good to restore the old
ROM page after changing it, so that is done as well.
#include ""
.org _asm_exec_ram
bit alt_on,(iy+exceptionflg) ; check if already installed
jr z,Install
res alt_on,(iy+exceptionflg) ; uninstall by resetting flag
ld hl,Uninstalled
jp _puts
ld hl,AltOnRoutine ; copy the routine
ld de,_alt_on_exec ; to _alt_on_exec
push de
ld bc,AltOnSize
ld de,40 ; bytes to checksum are
pop hl ; 1, 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200
ld a,(hl)
dec hl
push hl
ld b,5
add hl,de
add a,(hl)
djnz CalcChecksum
pop hl
ld (hl),a ; write checksum to alt_on_chksum
set alt_on,(iy+exceptionflg) ; install by setting flag
ld hl,Installed
jp _puts
.db "Installed",0
.db "Uninstalled",0
ld hl,Message-AltOnRoutine+_alt_on_exec ; code is at _alt_on_exec,
in a,(5) ; not asm_exec_ram
push af ; make sure to save current ROM page
ld a,$d
out (5),a ; switch to ROM page D
call _puts
call _newline
pop af
out (5),a ; restore old ROM page
.db "Turn me off!",0
AltOnSize = $ - AltOnRoutine
Jonah Cohen