A86: system (stock) menus
A86: system (stock) menus
I am trying to write a program that can interface with all of the calculators
menus. I think that the best way to do this is by using _installMenu a.k.a.
_disp_stock_menu equ 49B8h. I understand how to display the menus and get
them working with the following code.
ld a,$menu number from list (below)
call _installMenu
My problem however is that I can't get the calculator to give all of the
menus their full functionality. I want the menus to be able to goto
applications like normal (i.e. prgm:edit) and to be able to use dynamic menus
(i.e. prgm:names, I think that this is dynamic) all while remaining in my
program. Can anyone offer me any help in achieving this?
P.S. Is this a complete list of the system menus?
System Menu List:
(I don't remember where I found this but thanks to whoever put it together)
$01-char misc
$02-char greek
$03-char intl
$05-math num
$06-math prob
$07-math angle
$08-math hyp
$09-math misc
$0a-math w/out interpolate
$0d-base hex keys (B-F)
$0e-base type
$0f-base conv
$10-base bool
$11-base bit
$13-list ops
$14-list w/out editor
$19-constant built in
$1a-constant user
$1b-constant w/out editor
$1d-vector names
$1e-vector math
$1f-vector ops
$20-vector w/out editor
$22-matrix editor menu
$23-matrix names
$24-matrix math
$25-matrix ops
$26-matrix complex
$27-matrix w/out editor
$29-program names, pushes up other menus
$2a-program names, clears other menus
$2b-program editor main menu
$2c-program editor I/O menu*
$2d-program editor control (CTL) menu*
$2e-program editor graph menu
$2f-program editor graph menu variables
$30-program editor graph menu window
$31-program editor graph menu zoom
$32-program editor graph menu math
$33-program editor graph menu draw
$35-stat w/out plot
$36-list names
$37-stat calc
$38-unknown. looks like an old list editor or something*
$39-stat vars
$3a-stat draw*
$3b-program editor stat menu
$3c-program editor stat calc
$3d-program editor stat draw
$3f-catalog/vars data
$40-delete menu
$42-graph zoom
$43-graph-func math
$44-graph-func draw
$46-graph-polar math
$47-graph-polar draw
$49-graph-parametric math
$4a-graph-differential equations
$4b-graph-differential equations draw
$4c-unknown. something to do with diff eq. looks like independant variables or
$4d-blank menu. pointless*
$4e-poly menu edit*
$4f-poly menu solve
$50-error menu ("goto","quit")*
$51-error menu ("quit")*
$52-simult edit
$53-simult solve
$54-graph-func y= editor*
$55-graph-polar r= editor*
$56-graph-parametric E(t)= editor*
$57-graph-differential equations Q= editor*
$58-vector editor menu
$59-interpolate menu*
$5a-list names
$5b-unknown. "prev","next","delet"
$5d-link send*
$5e-link send choose menu*
$5f-link mem-backup menu*
$60-link receive mem-backup are you sure*
$61-link receive duplicate*
$62-link transmission error*
$63-link mem full*
$66-solver graph
$67-solver zoom*
$68-unknown. solver menu of some sort. "graph","edit","zoom","trace"*
$69-blank menu as far as i know
$6a-another blank menu
$6c-mem reset
$6d-mem reset prompt*
$6f-convert length
$70-convert area
$71-convert volume
$72-convert time
$73-convert temp
$74-convert mass
$75-convert force
$76-convert pressure
$77-convert energy
$78-convert power
$79-convert speed
$7a-catalog/var data
$7c-location unknown. contents is tolerance info
$7d-list editor menu
$7f-program editor table
$80-stat plot*
$81-stat plot editor type
$82-stat plot editor mark
$83-graph-differential equations axes
$84-mem delete data (page up, page down)
$85-table-func displayed menu
$86-table-polar displayed menu
$87-table-parametric displayed menu
$88-table-differential equations displayed menu
$89-table setup
$8a-link send85*
$8b-program editor stat plot