Re: A86: Re: Creating own functions
Re: A86: Re: Creating own functions
this has the input parameters backwards.
op1 holds the last one, and they're on the op stack in reverse order. (at
least for some token types they are...)
i was also looking at the various token types (the "3"). there are six
possible values:
(0 is invalid)
1 - no args, no return value
2 - requires 1 arg
3 - requires 1 arg, must have (
4 - any number of arg
5 - no args
6 - infix op (a + b); 2 args
(greater than 6 acts like 6)
i'm not sure what all the details & differences are yet, but there's a
problem that all the tokens have spaces around them removed when they're
detokized. ie 4 Fupp 6 becomes 4Fupp6. This prevents the token from
being identified if it's recompiled, like if you edit a prog or recall a
history entry.
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 19:31:51 +0300 "Clem" <> writes:
> > On a related note, it has been repeatedly mentioned the asaptrig
> and
> > asapxcommand do asaps the "wrong" way. Is there a code example of
> the "right"
> > way of doing asaps? Or at least some documentation on how it is
> done?
> This example is kinda old, I'm sure there are some bugs somewhere...
> (it seems that the 'Char' token doesn't work at all)
> Enjoy.... and find the bug! ;-)
> ---
> Clem Vasseur <>
> Icarus Productions <>
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