Re: A86: a tilemap routine
Re: A86: a tilemap routine
if the tiles are a fixed size:
ld a,(ix+0)
ld l,a
ld h,0
add hl,hl ;*2
add hl,hl ;*4
add hl,hl ;*8 bytes for each 8x8 tile
ld de,block0 ;add tile table offset
add hl,de ;hl->tile
it would probly be faster if you didn't multiply each time you display a
keep track of tile position by screen address instead:
ld de,$fc00 ;where to put 1st tile
ld b,8 ;8 rows
ld c,b
ld b,16 ;16 columns
push de ;need de & bc preserved
;; get & decode tile like above
;; copy tile from (hl) to (de)
pop de
inc de
inc ix
djnz col_loop
ld hl,16*7 ;16 bytes per line, 7 lines left in 8x8 tiles
add hl,de
ex de,hl
;; update ix for source maps wider than the screen
ld b,c
djnz row_loop
it might be faster to do this sideways (loop over the columns, draw a row
at a time) because you're already going that way when you copy each tile,
but updating ix in this case might slow it down too much for that to
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 22:14:58 -0500 "J.S." <> writes:
> can anybody tell me how to make this tilemap drawing routine any
> better? I'm a novice assembly programmer so it might (perhaps
> "will" is a better word) be sloppy. I just want to see different
> ways of accomplishing what I did.
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