A86: Memory Expander


A86: Memory Expander

For the interested, a true memory expander, for the 86.


; Pterodactyl -- Memory Expander
; (C) 2000 Kirk Meyer
; This program gives you extra memory. However, you must save SOME
; extra space for the OP & FP stacks. I recommend 1024 as a very safe
; value. You can increase or decrease this value with the #define SIZE
; below.
; WARNING! Many ASM programs have come to rely on using RAM page 1 as
; free space. This could cause major problems... Right now there is no
; way to remove this other than resetting your calculator.
; I am not responsible for anything that this does to your calculator.

#include "asm86.h"
#include "ti86asm.inc"

; Change this #define to change how much space you want to leave for the
; OP and FP stacks. 256 is a pretty good value for normal usage.
#define SIZE   1024

_OPBASE               equ         0D28Fh
_OPS                  equ         0D291h ; op stack pointer

     ld   hl,$8000+SIZE  ; move the op stack down... since we're using
     ld   (_OPBASE),hl   ; _jforce at the end, we don't need to actually
     ld   (_OPS),hl      ; move the stack contents.

     ld   a,$01          ; this is our destination. we're going to move
     ld   hl,SIZE        ; stuff so that there's SIZE bytes left for OP & FP
     ld   de,$4000-SIZE  ; stacks. (from the #define above)
     call $475b          ; _copy_bkwd
     push af             ; save A  \____ abs pointer to
     push de             ;      DE /     "deleted" data
     push bc             ; save BC ----- size of removal
     xor  a              ; also, write the _ABS_ size of the removal
     ld   ($D27A),a      ; to the _DELADJAMT thingie
     ld   ($D27B),bc     ; (required for next call)
     call $51FD          ; update most ptrs
     pop  bc             ; pop size of removal
     pop  de             ; pop A
     pop  af             ;     DE
     ld   h,0            ; HBC is used so we zero H
     call $476F          ; update all of the VAT entries

     jp   $409c          ; _jforce

