Re: A86: prgm:edit
Re: A86: prgm:edit
Monitor vectors aren't fully explained in my version of the SDK 83+
documentation... Even if they aren't though, once you know what they are,
it's easy enough to figure out the rest... they're just pointers into your
program. Should be able to insert a standard debugger routine at those
pointers to see when they are triggered. Disassembly should only be a last
resort, when you can't figure it out any other way...
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: A86: prgm:edit
> are there docs for things other than putaway & pputaway? the only
> documentation i ever found left out full monitor apps.
> i didn't really expect that they'd be all that difficult to use, but a
> pain for me to try to figure out from disassembly!
> -josh
> On Wed, 8 Mar 2000 15:46:47 -0700 "Kirk Meyer" <>
> writes:
> >
> > Monitor vectors aren't all that horrid actually... they allow for
> > doing some
> > pretty nice stuff. You just need vectors for putaway, partial
> > putaway,
> > redraw, etc... As always, reading the 83/83+ docs on the subject
> > sheds much
> > light on the 86 version of the subject.
> >
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