Re: A86: How YOU learned 86 ASM


Re: A86: How YOU learned 86 ASM

    I started out about 4 years ago on an 82, but I didn't get very far in 
ASM before switching to an 86 which I have now had for a year and a half.
    I learned entirely from reading source code and I have yet to read the 
tutorials, which is probably why there are so many holes in my fundamental 
comprehension of the language (for instance, I didn't know until Kirk's email 
just now that you couldn't do "ld hl,de"). I really should go through those 
tutorials one of these days.
    Also, I was disadvantaged from the beginning: until a month ago I only 
had a Mac. Writing and compiling ASM on a Mac was virtually impossible, until 
I became a beta tester for a Mac ASM compiler (top-secret stuff, don't tell 
anyone -- but it looks really good so far).
    My other source of learning was this list, especially code provided by 
Kirk and Jonah. In many ways I still consider myself a beginner.

-- Jonathan Marcus