RE: A86:Morse


RE: A86:Morse

I won't explain sound here, there are many good sources available on in the routines section of both 85 and 86 (and other calcs as
well probably) that show very well how to make tones of any length, etc,

for a random number generator, i recommend simply using the R register right
after you have waited for a key, this way it will be a mostly random number.
is there any possible way you could have 64 symbols perhaps instead of 63?
if so, you could do simply:

 ld a,r
 and 63

otherwise, you will need to do a mod 64 which is a bit more complicated.

you have an interesting issue here, in that you will have to determine the
difference between a short and a long keypress. i recommend using port 1 to
directly read the keypresses and implementing a simple timer inside of the
loop using, say, the bc register. you may even want to have the program
"learn" what a particular user does for "short" and "long" keypresses...

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 3:05 PM
Subject: A86:Morse

How might I go about making a morse code practice program for the 86?  I
a random number generator that picks between 1 and 63(or maybe a set of
numbers: have the letters in one prog, the numbers in another, and
punctuation in a third) and a routine to play a sound, wait for input for X
seconds, process the input or lack thereof, and return right or wrong.
