Re: A86: TI-86 central
Re: A86: TI-86 central
Hmm, I always thought the interrupt section was a poor attempt at wit, not
to mention ambigious and full of factual errors :-) Clearly its the result
of too much mountain dew and bad advice from my spirtual adviser.
In any case, I'm certainly going to use much of my old verbage since I'm
often pretty damn lazy. But some stuff like the Sprite section I can rewrite
to use VTI and my sprite routines <plug> (woohoo!) Hey, that reminds me.. I
need to umm write a clipped putsprite. Eh, I guess I wasn't going to get
much sleep tonight anyway.
Matt Johnson
TI-86 Central:
(new guides; under constr)
> What's wrong with the old site? Sure updates are good, but I see no
> reason to throw out all the excellent content of the old site. Since you
> wrote most of it anyway, you're certainly entitled to put it on the new
> The interrupt section, in particular, is quite excellent and should
> definitely be retained.
> In a message dated 6/7/00 3:05:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Since this list is kind of dead I'd just like to announce I'm working on
> > new 86 central. The old site is at I'm rewriting the
> tutorials
> > to reflect my new knowledge and the new tools now available. Any
> suggestions
> > are welcome. Check out my homepage if your interested in my other
> > (86 or otherwise).
> ----
> Jonah Cohen
> <>