Re: A86: YAS problem
Re: A86: YAS problem
They might be :)
I would think the apd problem is something in iShell... I haven't
looked at the code too closely though
I used the _parseinp call to do basic programs... Anyone see anything
wrong with this? (It's pretty close to something that was posted here a
while back)
ld hl,(_OPBASE) ;_OP1 has the program name at this point
push hl
ld hl,(_FPBASE)
push hl
ld hl,(_OPS)
ld (_OPBASE),hl
ld hl,(_FPS)
ld (_FPBASE),hl
call _runindicon
call _clrWindow
ld a,$0d
out (5),a
pop hl
ld (_FPBASE),hl
pop hl
ld (_OPBASE),hl
Matt Johnson wrote:
> Maybe the authors are on this list :-)