Re: A86: weird program bug (read only if you have extra time)
Re: A86: weird program bug (read only if you have extra time)
I tired your suggestion now instead of crashing the calculator it gives me a
MEMORY error. Any ideas on what could be causing that?
P.S. My new source is below
In a message dated 7/7/00 1:20:54 PM Central Daylight Time,
<< my first guess, based on where you says it loops, would be that
_createequ somehow calls sqrthome.
try clearing 4,(iy+$24) at the beginning of the sqrt prog and resetting
it at the end. this will ensure that it's never called from inside
-josh >>
#include ""
bcurrlastentry = $f688
.org _asm_exec_ram
jp progstart
.dw 0
.dw shelltitle
.db "HomeStck v.1 Install by Andy Hochhaus",0
;this is the installer
res 4,(iy+$24)
ld hl,$5a69 ;[sqrt]home name in rom
rst 20h ;"[SQRT]home" in OP1
rst 10h ;_findsym
call nc,_delvar ;delete var if it exists
ld hl,codeend-codestart ;calc size of prog
push hl
call _createprog ;make [sqrt] prog
ld a,b
ex de,hl
call _ahl_plus_2_pg3
call _set_abs_dest_addr
xor a
pop hl
call _set_mm_num_bytes
xor a
ld hl,code
call _set_abs_src_addr
call _mm_ldir
set 4,(iy+$24) ;activate [sqrt]home prog
call $49dc ;flushallmenus
call _clrScrn ;clr LCD and TextMem
ld a,7 ;place cursor
ld (_curRow),a
;actual [sqrt]home program starts here
.org _asm_exec_ram-2
.db $8e,$28 ;necessary at start of asm progs
res 4,(iy+$24)
call refreshstack ;my function to display the stack
ld a,(_winBtm)
dec a
ld b,a
ld a,(_curRow)
cp b ;if (_curRow)<(_winBtm) goto movedown
call c,movedown
ld a,b
ld (_curRow),a
ld a,(_asm_reg_a)
ld bc,(_asm_reg_bc)
ld a,0
ld (_currlastentry),a
set 4,(iy+$24)
cp a
ld a,(_curRow)
cp 6
jp nz,onemenustillup ;if one menu is still active don't refresh
screen based on text mem
ld a,(_curCol)
push af
call $4ac3 ;rstrShadow NOTE:DESTROYS (_curCol) and makes
screen flicker
pop af
ld (_curCol),a ;restores (_curCol)
call $4a7a ;_scrollDown
ld a,(_winBtm)
dec a
ld b,a
;displays the stack on the homescreen in the v width font
ld a,0 ;entry number to display
ld (bcurrlastentry),a
ld a,0 ;location to display at
ld (_penCol),a
ld h,8
ld a,(_curRow)
dec a
ld l,a
call _HtimesL
ld a,l
ld (_penRow),a ;calculates where to display based on the
cursor location
;loop to display as many entrys as there are in the history stack
ld a,(bcurrlastentry)
inc a
ld (bcurrlastentry),a
ld (_currlastentry),a
ld b,a
ld a,(_numlastentries)
cp b
ret c ;check to see if (_currlastentry) is
smaller then (_numlastentries)
call disphistentry ;actually displays each individual
ld a,0
ld (_penCol),a
ld a,(_penRow)
sub 6
ld (_penRow),a
jp disphistloop
call $4627 ;_GETLASTENTRY get ptr to history entry
call _ex_ahl_bde
push af
push hl
call _get_word_ahl
push de
push de
ld hl,equvarname-1
rst 20h
pop hl
call _createequ
;never gets past this point after running two times
call _ex_ahl_bde
call _set_abs_dest_addr
ld a,0
pop hl
call _ahl_plus_2_pg3
call _set_mm_num_bytes
pop hl
pop af
call _set_abs_src_addr
call _mm_ldir ;copy compiled entry out to a temporary
program variable
ld hl,equvarname-1
rst 20h
call $53ca ;_setupEditequ open prog in editor
call $51d9 ;_detok detokenize
call $53d2 ;_bufToTop go to the top
xor a ; insert $00 at the top
call $53ae ;_bufInsert to mark it as uncompiled
call $544a ;_closeEditequ close prog editor
;program var is now decompiled (plain text
ld hl,equvarname-1
rst 20h
rst 10h
call _ex_ahl_bde
call $521d ;_get_word_ahl
dec e
ld b,e
call _inc_ptr_ahl
disploop: ;displays 0 terminated string at AHL in
variable width font
call $521d ;_get_word_ahl
call $463b ;_dec_ptr_ahl
push af
push hl
push bc
ld a,e
call $4aa1 ;_vputmap
pop bc
pop hl
pop de
ld a,d
djnz disploop
ld hl,equvarname-1 ;deletes temporary variable
rst 20h
rst 10h
call nc,_delvar
.db 2,"tv"