A86: weird program bug (read only if you have extra time)


A86: weird program bug (read only if you have extra time)

Hey everybody,
If anyone has some extra time and would like to help me out I have been 
writing this program and I have encountered a weird bug that I don't know how 
to fix. I am writing a [sqrt]home program which runs right the first time 
that it is run however the second time it is run it goes into an infinite 
loop. THIS PROGRAM WILL CRASH YOUR CALCULATOR, so install it with care.

Thanks for the help,

just in case the attachment doesent work here is the source:
#include "ti86asm.inc"

bcurrlastentry      =   $f688

.org _asm_exec_ram

    jp      progstart
    .dw     0
    .dw     shelltitle

    .db     "HomeStck v.1 Install by Andy Hochhaus",0

;this is the installer
    ld      hl,$5a69                ;[sqrt]home name in rom
    rst     20h                     ;"[SQRT]home" in OP1
    rst     10h                     ;_findsym
    call    nc,_delvar              ;delete var if it exists
    ld      hl,codeend-codestart    ;calc size of prog
    push    hl
    call    _createprog             ;make [sqrt] prog
    ld      a,b
    ex      de,hl
    call    _ahl_plus_2_pg3
    call    _set_abs_dest_addr
    xor     a
    pop     hl
    call    _set_mm_num_bytes
    xor     a
    ld      hl,code
    call    _set_abs_src_addr
    call    _mm_ldir
    set     4,(iy+$24)          ;activate [sqrt]home prog
    call    $49dc               ;flushallmenus
    call    _clrScrn            ;clr LCD and TextMem
    ld      a,7                 ;place cursor
    ld      (_curRow),a

;actual [sqrt]home program starts here
    .org    _asm_exec_ram-2

    .db     $8e,$28             ;necessary at start of asm progs

    call    refreshstack        ;my function to display the stack

    ld      a,(_winBtm)
    dec     a
    ld      b,a

    ld      a,(_curRow)
    cp      b                   ;if (_curRow)<(_winBtm) goto movedown

    call    c,movedown

    ld      a,b
    ld      (_curRow),a
    ld      a,(_asm_reg_a)
    ld      bc,(_asm_reg_bc)

    cp      a

    ld      a,(_curRow)
    cp      6
    jp      nz,onemenustillup   ;if one menu is still active don't refresh 
screen based on text mem

    ld      a,(_curCol)
    push    af

    call    $4ac3               ;rstrShadow NOTE:DESTROYS (_curCol) and makes 
screen flicker

    pop     af
    ld      (_curCol),a         ;restores (_curCol)

    call    $4a7a               ;_scrollDown

    ld      a,(_winBtm)
    dec     a
    ld      b,a

;displays the stack on the homescreen in the v width font
    ld      a,0                     ;entry number to display
    ld      (bcurrlastentry),a
    ld      a,0                     ;location to display at
    ld      (_penCol),a
    ld      h,8
    ld      a,(_curRow)
    dec     a
    ld      l,a
    call    _HtimesL
    ld      a,l
    ld      (_penRow),a             ;calculates where to display based on the 
cursor location

;loop to display as many entrys as there are in the history stack
    ld      a,(bcurrlastentry)
    inc     a
    ld      (bcurrlastentry),a
    ld      (_currlastentry),a
    ld      b,a
    ld      a,(_numlastentries)
    cp      b
    ret     c                           ;check to see if (_currlastentry) is 
smaller then (_numlastentries)
    call    disphistentry               ;actually displays each individual 
    ld      a,0
    ld      (_penCol),a
    ld      a,(_penRow)
    sub     6
    ld      (_penRow),a
    jp      disphistloop

    call    $4627                   ;_GETLASTENTRY get ptr to history entry
    call    _ex_ahl_bde
    push    af
    push    hl
    call    _get_word_ahl
    push    de
    push    de
    ld      hl,equvarname-1
    rst     20h
    pop     hl

    call    _createequ
;never gets past this point after running two times
    call    _ex_ahl_bde
    call    _set_abs_dest_addr

    ld      a,0
    pop     hl
    call    _ahl_plus_2_pg3
    call    _set_mm_num_bytes

    pop     hl
    pop     af
    call    _set_abs_src_addr

    call    _mm_ldir            ;copy compiled entry out to a temporary 
program variable

    ld      hl,equvarname-1
    rst     20h

    call    $53ca               ;_setupEditequ open prog in editor
    call    $51d9               ;_detok detokenize
    call    $53d2               ;_bufToTop go to the top
    xor     a                   ; insert $00 at the top
    call    $53ae               ;_bufInsert to mark it as uncompiled
    call    $544a               ;_closeEditequ close prog editor
                                ;program var is now decompiled (plain text 

    ld      hl,equvarname-1
    rst     20h
    rst     10h

    call    _ex_ahl_bde
    call    $521d               ;_get_word_ahl
    dec     e
    ld      b,e
    call    _inc_ptr_ahl

disploop:                       ;displays 0 terminated string at AHL in 
variable width font
    call    $521d               ;_get_word_ahl
    call    $463b               ;_dec_ptr_ahl
    push    af
    push    hl
    push    bc
    ld      a,e
    call    $4aa1               ;_vputmap
    pop     bc
    pop     hl
    pop     de
    ld      a,d
    djnz    disploop

    ld      hl,equvarname-1     ;deletes temporary variable
    rst     20h
    rst     10h
    call    nc,_delvar


    .db     2,"tv"


#include "ti86asm.inc"

bcurrlastentry		=	$f688

.org _asm_exec_ram

	jp		progstart
	.dw 	0
	.dw 	shelltitle

	.db 	"HomeStck v.1 Install by Andy Hochhaus",0

;this is the installer
	ld		hl,$5a69				;[sqrt]home name in rom
	rst		20h						;"[SQRT]home" in OP1
	rst		10h						;_findsym
	call	nc,_delvar				;delete var if it exists
	ld		hl,codeend-codestart	;calc size of prog
	push	hl
	call	_createprog				;make [sqrt] prog
	ld		a,b
	ex		de,hl
	call	_ahl_plus_2_pg3
	call	_set_abs_dest_addr
	xor		a
	pop		hl
	call	_set_mm_num_bytes
	xor		a
	ld		hl,code
	call	_set_abs_src_addr
	call	_mm_ldir
	set		4,(iy+$24)			;activate [sqrt]home prog
	call	$49dc				;flushallmenus
	call	_clrScrn			;clr LCD and TextMem
	ld		a,7					;place cursor
	ld		(_curRow),a

;actual [sqrt]home program starts here
	.org	_asm_exec_ram-2

	.db		$8e,$28				;necessary at start of asm progs

	call	refreshstack		;my function to display the stack

	ld		a,(_winBtm)
	dec		a
	ld		b,a

	ld		a,(_curRow)
	cp		b					;if	(_curRow)<(_winBtm) goto movedown

	call	c,movedown

	ld		a,b
	ld		(_curRow),a
	ld		a,(_asm_reg_a)
	ld		bc,(_asm_reg_bc)

	cp		a

	ld		a,(_curRow)
	cp		6
	jp		nz,onemenustillup	;if one menu is still active don't refresh screen based on text mem

	ld		a,(_curCol)
	push	af

	call	$4ac3				;rstrShadow NOTE:DESTROYS (_curCol) and makes screen flicker

	pop		af
	ld		(_curCol),a			;restores (_curCol)

	call	$4a7a				;_scrollDown

	ld		a,(_winBtm)
	dec		a
	ld		b,a

;displays the stack on the homescreen in the v width font
	ld		a,0						;entry number to display
	ld		(bcurrlastentry),a
	ld		a,0						;location to display at
	ld		(_penCol),a
	ld		h,8
	ld		a,(_curRow)
	dec		a
	ld		l,a
	call	_HtimesL
	ld		a,l
	ld		(_penRow),a				;calculates where to display based on the cursor location

;loop to display as many entrys as there are in the history stack
	ld		a,(bcurrlastentry)
	inc		a
	ld		(bcurrlastentry),a
	ld		(_currlastentry),a
	ld		b,a
	ld		a,(_numlastentries)
	cp		b
	ret		c							;check to see if (_currlastentry) is smaller then (_numlastentries)
	call	disphistentry				;actually displays each individual entry
	ld		a,0
	ld		(_penCol),a
	ld		a,(_penRow)
	sub		6
	ld		(_penRow),a
	jp		disphistloop

	call	$4627					;_GETLASTENTRY get ptr to history entry
	call	_ex_ahl_bde
	push	af
	push	hl
	call	_get_word_ahl
	push	de
	push	de
	ld		hl,equvarname-1
	rst		20h
	pop		hl

	call	_createequ
;never gets past this point after running two times
	call	_ex_ahl_bde
	call	_set_abs_dest_addr

	ld		a,0
	pop		hl
	call	_ahl_plus_2_pg3
	call	_set_mm_num_bytes

	pop		hl
	pop		af
	call	_set_abs_src_addr

	call	_mm_ldir			;copy compiled entry out to a temporary program variable

	ld		hl,equvarname-1
	rst		20h

	call	$53ca				;_setupEditequ open prog in editor
	call	$51d9				;_detok	detokenize
	call	$53d2				;_bufToTop go to the top
	xor		a					; insert $00 at the top
	call	$53ae				;_bufInsert to mark it as uncompiled
	call	$544a				;_closeEditequ close prog editor
								;program var is now decompiled (plain text form)

	ld		hl,equvarname-1
	rst		20h
	rst		10h

	call	_ex_ahl_bde
	call	$521d				;_get_word_ahl
	dec		e
	ld		b,e
	call	_inc_ptr_ahl

disploop:						;displays 0 terminated string at AHL in variable width font
	call	$521d				;_get_word_ahl
	call	$463b				;_dec_ptr_ahl
	push	af
	push	hl
	push	bc
	ld		a,e
	call	$4aa1				;_vputmap
	pop		bc
	pop		hl
	pop		de
	ld		a,d
	djnz	disploop

	ld		hl,equvarname-1		;deletes temporary variable
	rst		20h
	rst		10h
	call	nc,_delvar


	.db		2,"tv"

